Their legislative powers only mean the power to formulate and promulgate the local administrative regulations other than laws. So we say the legislative competence of local People's Congress is rather limited. 它们的立法权限于制定地方性行政法规而不是法律。所以我们说地方人大的立法权限是相当有限的。
The analysis consists of following parts: legislative body and competence, legislative intent and authority, legislative structure, and legislative content. Legitimate criterion as the analysis method would be adopted to evaluate these legislations. 分析主要从以下几个方面进行,立法主体和权限,立法目的和依据,立法结构以及最重要的立法内容,分析的方法则是采用合法性标准对法律规范本身进行判断和评价。
The core of how to regulate rests with standardizing the exertion of the administrative power by means of legislative criterion, judicial review and improving occupational competence of the administrative functionaries. 行政合理性控制的核心内容是通过立法规范、司法审查、提高行政机关工作人员的职业素质来规范行政权的行使。
On Legislative Competence of National Autonomous Areas 浅析民族自治地方的立法权限
On the Conflicts of Local Legislative Competence in China 论我国地方立法中的权限冲突
With a introduction of the definition and legislative modes of bankruptcy competence, two aspects are studied. 笔者在概述破产能力的定义及其立法模式后,从两方面进行论述:第一,三地区破产能力的规定差异较大;
Legislative competence is the foundation of legislative institution enforcing legitimate act. 立法权限是立法机关实施立法行为的基础。
By analyzing two cases, the effectual regional coordinate mechanism should mostly include two factors: One is regional authoritative institution which should have the legislative competence, the power of planning and investment. 通过两个案例分析可以看出,有效的区域协调机制应包括两个最为重要的内容:一是要有立法资格、有规划和投资权力的区域权威机构;
Legislative competence of taxation is mainly focused on central authorities, and in local, only the provincial levels have legislative power for extremely individual and small items of taxation. 税收立法权主要集中在中央,地方仅省一级有极个别小税种的立法权。
The chaos of tax revenue legislation is directly caused by the above reasons; fifthly, local legislative competence is too narrow. 这就直接导致税收立法的混乱;第五,地方立法权限过小。
In the current system of tax law in this country, the restriction for local legislative competence of taxation is relatively strict. 我国现行的税法体系中,对地方税收立法权限限制较为严格。
The conflicts are mainly the legislative competence and the content and effect. The reasons can be reduced to the objective aspect and subjective aspect. 环渤海旅游立法冲突主要包括环渤海立法冲突中立法权限的冲突和立法文件内容及效力的冲突,归纳士旅游立法冲突的原因,可以分为主观方面的原因和客观方面的原因。